Action for Trade is a coalition of American trade associations and businesses from across the economy, including services, manufacturing, and agriculture, that is dedicated to ensuring that U.S. trade agreements are high-standard in ambition and comprehensive in scope.


It is only through comprehensive agreements that the United States can:

  • Create jobs at home;
  • Accelerate broad-based economic growth;
  • Advance American trade leadership around the world;
  • Fulfill all of Congress’ negotiating objectives; and
  • Address the numerous challenges facing American businesses in the modern economy.


Comprehensive trade agreements should:

  • Ensure transparent and non-discriminatory treatment for U.S. businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • Open new markets for U.S. exports;
  • Fully protect American intellectual property abroad;
  • Eliminate foreign barriers to trade; and
  • Facilitate trade through reducing red tape and increasing regulatory cooperation.


Whether the United States is completing an agreement with Japan, pursuing a new agreement with the United Kingdom, or launching negotiations with other trading partners, Action for Trade is committed to ensuring that U.S. trade negotiations deliver comprehensive and high-standard results.